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Email Settings and Ports - SMTP, POP3 and IMAP

Email configuration is set to use your domain name for easier setup.

This applies to POP3, IMAP and SMTP addresses and ports.

POP3 Incoming Email Server Settings

Incoming Mail Server:  mail.domain.com

POP3 Port: 110 - Port for unencrypted and TLS connection to the email server

POP3 Port (Secure SSL): 995 - Port for secure encrypted SSL connection to the email server



SMTP Outgoing Email Server Settings

SMTP (Outgoing) Mail Server: mail.domain.com

SMTP Port: 25 - Port for unencrypted and TLS connection to the email server

SMTP Port (Alternative Port):  587 - Port to be used if the above port 25 is blocked by your ISP



IMAP Email Settings

Mail Server:  mail.domain.com

IMAP Port:  143 - Port for unencrypted and TLS connection to the email server

IMAP Port (Secure SSL):  993 - Port for secure encrypted SSL connection to the email server



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