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Detalles Técnicos:

Versión en uso : MailCleaner Community Edition

  • Remueve mas del 99.9% de los virus entrantes.  
  • Detecta contenido potencialmente peligroso. 
  • Combina multiples tecnologias para adaptarse a las estrategias de los spammers. 
  • Validates recipient address (Callout).  
  • Greylisting, SMTP temporary refused Implements spammer blacklists such as ORDB, Spamhaus, Spamcop.net, etc.
  • Verifies the identity of sending mail servers. 
  • Allows customized syntax lists based on language and/or user. 
  • Implements heuristic techniques including Bayesian filters. 
  • Includes ClamAV antivirus with frequent automatique updates. 
  • Intercepts and scans mail attachments in real time. 
  • Image analysis (OCR) rejecting bad SPF BATV, DKIM signing/verifying full DMARC support RESTFull and SOAP API for external domains management 
  • Legitimate messages are forwarded to the mail server. 
  • Infected messages are cleaned and dangerous content placed in quarantine. 
  • User authentication is tailored to your existing infrastructure (AD, LDAP, IMAP, POP, Radius, MySQL, etc.) 
  • Offers users the possibility to configure their own preferences: language, action to take on detected spam, report frequency, alias address bundling. 
  • Each user can forward errors to correct filtering criteria. 
  • Allows to choose the best spam handling strategy: Quarantine, delete, or tag. 
  • Constantly checks for virus/spam filtering rule updates from our analysis center. 
  • Allows for multiple domains, multiple user levels, multiple administrators, and multiple languages. 

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