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Abuse Policy

CR Servers works hard to prevent abuse attempts from taking place from our network and to isolate customers so they can't affect other customers. Some abuse incidents require for us to enforce our abuse policy so we want to be as clear as possible since we follow the policy as strictly as we can. We will nonetheless try to be lenient whenever possible, where appropriate for our customers’ specific cases.

This policy applies to activities such as:

  • Spamming
  • Hacking Attempts
  • IRC Activity
  • Phishing
  • Web Space Abuse

Such activities can result in action being taken against your account. If your account, for any reason, is being used to facilitate illegal activity (based on local laws relative to our company), we may disable or remove your account from our hosting platform.

This applies to accounts which become exploited due to vulnerabilities in the customer's application. In the event your application is hacked and is being used for illegal, malicious, or abusive activity, we may suspend your account and/or disable access to your website.

In the event a customer's application gets exploited and a hacker uses their account to abuse our server or network, we generally make an effort to help our customers in those situations. Depending on the severity of attack on a customer's account, we may be able to provide assistance; however, it is ultimately the customer's responsibility to maintain their application.


First Warning

Abuse Policy violation warnings are generated in response to complaints filed by third parties and from internal investigations. All Abuse Policy violation warnings are sent to the primary email contact listed for the account. A first warning is not an accusation of guilt, but a notification of a possible issue and a request for information regarding the issue. The time required to respond is indicated in email and evidence of the issue shall be included. In order to satisfy a first warning, our customers must provide acknowledgement of the warning, an explanation of the cause for the complaint, and what plan of action they will take to prevent further complaints. Additional requirements may be explicitly requested as well. Depending on the circumstances surrounding a first warning, they may remain active or account suspension may take place.

Second Warning

A second warning is issued when we receive no response to a first warning within a designated timeframe, further complaints are filed, or the problem intensifies. If a large number of complaints are received, or the severity of the issue increases, the required response time will be reduced or a notification of downtime will be sent. In order to satisfy a second warning, all of the required information requested in the warning must be provided in the time frame specified. Second warnings are never removed from an account.

Notification of Downtime

A notification of down time is issued when: (i) we receive no response to a second warning, (ii) further complaints are filed after a second warning, (iii) the problem intensifies, or (iv) we receive no response to a severe first warning. All notifications of downtime are sent after attempts have been made to contact the customer, this may include a phone call to ensure the customer has received our warning emails. In order to satisfy a downtime notification the customer must provide all information requested in previous warnings, acknowledge that further complaints similar issues may result in account termination, and agree to resolve the issue within two hours of being returned to online status.

Notification of Account or Service Termination

A notification of account or service termination is issued when a response is not received for notifications of downtime or when a complaint is filed after a severe issue that was purportedly resolved. All efforts are made to contact our customers before this extreme measure is taken; including a phone call to insure the customer has received all of our notifications. Once the notice has been sent the service is taken offline and access to the service or its data will not be granted under any circumstances. Accounts or services terminated for Abuse issues are not eligible for refunds or credit. For most issues, account termination is a last resort measure. For legal issues, only one chance is given to our customers to resolve the issue. Another violation of our Abuse Policy for similar issues will result in immediate termination. These circumstances will be clearly communicated the first time and the customer will be required to agree to those terms.

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