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Agregar un certificado SSL para un dominio

1- you must make sure you have a dedicated/static IP for the  account you want to install a certificate on. Then, you have 3 options available:

2- Create/Install a self-signed cert. (which can be upgraded to a CA-signed cert. at any later time). To do this, login to your Hosting account and click the SSL option on the toolbar on the left-hand side. If there isn't an SSL option in the toolbar, this means that this your account does not have permission to create SSL certificates. This can be changed by system administration. Once at the SSL page, choose "Create Self-Signed Certificate". Fill in the information for the certificate (all fields are required), paying special attention to the Common (domain) Name. Click "Generate Certificate", and the system will create your certificate and install it on your server.

3- Create/Install a CA-signed cert. If you currently do not have an SSL certificate installed, the option you will see is "Create CA-Signed Cert". If you already have a certificate installed (for example, a self-signed cert), you will see "Install CA-Signed Cert". The interface for "Create CA-Signed Cert" is identical to "Create Self-Signed Cert", and the instructions are the same. After clicking "Create CA-Signed Cert", providing the necessary information, and submitting the form, you will be presented with two dialog boxes. The top box contains your CSR which you will need to provide to your certificate vendor. The box beneath is where you can paste the certificate information your vendor supplies. Click Install, and your CA-Signed cert will be installed. Note that if you leave this page, you can return to it again by clicking "Install CA-Signed Cert" from the SSL main page.

4- Migrate an existing cert. To migrate an existing certificate, click on "Migrate Existing SSL Data Files". From here, you will need to copy and paste the information from your SSL private key file and your SSL certificate. The CSR is optional. Click Install and Siteworx will install the provided SSL certificate on your server.

When creating a self-signed or CA-signed cert, you might run into a couple error messages that have been a little confusing to some people. The first error message is "You have specified a non-existing pointer domain and you have reached your quota for pointer domains" and the other is "You have specified a non-existing subdomain and you have reached your quota for subdomains." Please refer to this thread for a detailed explanation of that error message.

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