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Use Google Mail as your mail server

You may register up to 10 mail accounts with about 7 GB capacity per account.

1. Register a domain with us. It can take up to 24 hours for all of the information to propigate out to the rest of the internet, so you might want to

2. Go here: https://workspace.google.com/intl/es-419/business/new-business And click on the big blue Get started button.

3. Enter the domain that you have registered with us.

4. Fill out the rest of the form and click the I accept! Create my account>> button.

5. Click the Go Express button. Now you will need to verify to Google that you have permissions or ownership of the domain.

6. Click Next twice, then choose Alternate methods.

7. Choose the radio button next to: Add a DNS record to your domain's configuration.

8. Choose eNom.com from the drop-down menu. (We are not really going to use eNom, we are just choosing this to generate the secure token)

9. Select and copy the security token from step 7 on the Enom form.

10. In a new browser window or tab (don’t close the Google page) login to your Hostbill Control Panel: https://clients.crservers.com

11. Under Managed DNS click List Services (1)

12. Click Basic DNS Management

13. Click in the box next to your domain name, and then click on the DNS Templates icon.

14. Select the radio button next to Google Email and click the “Apply Template” button. This writes in all the MX records for you so that you don’t have to do them one by one.

15. Click on your Domain name (located right above the Add Domain button)

16. Scroll to the bottom of the page. Next to Add New Record, choose TXT from the drop-down list and click on the blue ADD button.

17. In the name field, type google.yourdomain.xxx (ex. google.crservers.net)

18. In the content field, paste the information that you copied in step 9 above (the secure token from the eNom form).

19. Click the Submit button.

20. Scroll to the bottom and you will see the record you just created under TXT Records

21. You have now finished all the Day 1 steps. DNS settings can take up to 48 hours to propagate through the Internet. Usually 24 hours is enough, so you can most likely continue with the following steps on the following day.

22. Click this link and login to continue: https://admin.google.com

23. Click on the “Alternate Methods” tab

24. Select the radio button next to “Add a DNS record to your domain's configuration” and then click the Verify button. (For unknown reasons, sometimes this selection is not available the first time you return to this page. If this happens to you, choose another method, try to Verify and after it fails go back to the page, now the Add a DNS selection should be visible)

25. You should see the Verification successful page. (If you don’t, you must wait ANOTHER 24 hours and try again) Click continue.

26. You should now be on the Users and groups page where you can add the rest of your users/mailboxes. Click on the Organization & users tab at the top of the page.

27. Click the Create a New User button and fill out the information, also assign a password. Then click the Create New User button. Do this until you have created all of your accounts (up to 10 including your original one).

Now your mail accounts are ready to use. Go to: https://mail.google.com/mail/ and start using your account (you may have to verify it to Google first)

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