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ID Protect FAQ

Why is my personal information available when I purchase a domain name?

International rules require that valid contact information be provided for all domain names, and that it be accessible worldwide. ID Protect provides valid contact information that satisfies the international requirements without exposing your personal contact information to worldwide scrutiny.

What personal information is displayed in domain name Whois, and how do people find it?

Domain name Whois displays name, address, and email address. Anyone anywhere can search the Whois database through any search engine and many other web sites.

ID Protect provides proxy information instead of your personal contact information. Parties who want to contact you use the proxy information, and we forward to you.

How does ID Protect help reduce spam?

Domain name Whois is a principal source of email addresses for spammers. If your domain name has ID Protect, we change the Whois email address several times a year. Spammers harvest and use one Whois email address, but once we change it that source of spam is cut off.

Can I add ID Protect to a domain name that is registered elsewhere?

No. The domain must be registered with us in order to use ID Protect. ID Protect cannot be used with our DNS Hosting.

Which TLDs allow ID Protect?

ID Protect can be purchased for the following TLDs: com, net, org, biz, info, name, tv, cc, me (.us requires actual identity and contact info, an so is not eligible)

What if someone sends something to the Whois Privacy Protection Service postal address?

For mail which does not appear to be unsolicited commercial mail, the Whois Privacy Protection Service may either forward the mail to you or fax a page of the communication. The Service will not forward junk mail, nor will it forward mail if it becomes apparent that you provided the Whois Privacy Protection address to third parties.

What if I need to prove ownership of a domain?

To prove ownership of your domain, temporarily disable ID Protect and then ask the verifying party to confirm whois registration details.

Does ID Protect stay with the domain if the domain is pushed?

Yes, ID Protect is tied to the domain and moves to the new account when the domain is pushed.

If the privacy protection service at your other registrar does not provide email forwarding, the service must be disabled so that you can respond to transfer confirmation emails.

If I am transferring my domain away from crservers, do I need to turn off ID Protect in order to receive the transfer confirmation emails?

No, our ID Protect service will forward to the email address associated with the domain name.

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