
Costa Rica Servers Featured News: CRServers Now Accepts Bitcoin Payments Using the Lightning Network

Published: 25/05/2024

We are excited to announce that CR Servers now accepts Bitcoin payments through the Lightning Network! This enhancement aligns with our commitment to provide innovative, secure, and efficient services to our valued customers.

Benefits of the Lightning Network

  • Speed: Transactions are completed almost instantaneously, eliminating the waiting time associated with traditional Bitcoin payments.

  • Low Fees: Significantly reduced transaction fees make it an economical choice for both large and small transactions.

  • Scalability: Capable of handling millions of transactions per second, the Lightning Network ensures seamless scalability for growing businesses.

Independent and Decentralized Payment Processing

At CR Servers, we pride ourselves on our independence and commitment to decentralization. We host our own Bitcoin node, the first in Costa Rica, along with our own Lightning node and BTC Pay Server. This setup allows us to operate as a fully independent payment processor without relying on third parties, perfectly aligning with our core values of autonomy and resilience.

Aligning with Our Ethos

Bitcoin is the internet’s native currency, and as a forward-thinking internet company, we embrace it wholeheartedly. This move not only enhances our service offerings but also underscores our dedication to privacy, security, and decentralization.

We invite you to experience the benefits of using Bitcoin Lightning payments with CRServers, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with exceptional service that aligns with our shared values of innovation and independence.

For more details or to start using Bitcoin Lightning payments, please log in to our Customer Portal.