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Control Panel Overview

You get a general overview of your account from the main page:

  • Bandwidth Graph (Monthly)
  • Disk Space
  • E-mail accounts
  • MySQL Databases
  • FTP Accounts
  • Secondary Domains
  • Pointer Domains

Additionally, on the top right corner, you have a "Common Tasks" box that lets you:

  • Add a new Email account
  • Add a sub-domain
  • Change the FTP password
  • View the Error log

The main menu of your Control Panel can be found on the left column:

  • Home - Overview of main CP functions and data
  • Support - Access CRServers Support Ticket System and Knowledge-base
  • Billing - Access your invoices, payments, pay bills, etc.
  • Hosting Features - Email, Domains, FTP, MySQL, Ruby on Rails, DNS Records, Cron jobs, htaccses, Scripts
  • Administration
  • Statistics
  • File Manager
  • Preferences
  • Logout

The main page of the Control Panel looks like this:

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