
Noticias Destacadas De Costa Rica Servers: World Internet Day, May 17th.

Publicado: 18/05/2012

What is World Internet Day?

UN General Assembly Resolution 60/252, page 3:
13.  Decides to proclaim 17 May annual World Information Society Day to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communications technologies can bring to societies and economies, as well as of ways to bridge the digital divide.

Alrighty then, so where does the world stand in relation to internet access?  According to Internet World Stats, (using data from December 31, 2011) out of a worldwide population of 6,930,055,154, internet users number 2,267,233,742.  That is 32.7 % of the earth's humans online.  (Other primates are accessing the internet at a few of the zoos, but that is a different story) This is a 528.1 % increase from internet usage in the year 2000.

OK, so where and when did the internet start?

First network equipment
The first network switch was called "IMP", (Interface Message Processor) and was sent to UCLA.  On September 2, 1969 the first data moves from UCLA host to the switch.

On Friday October 29, 1969 at 10:30 p.m., the first Internet message was sent from computer science Professor Leonard KleinRock's laboratory at UCLA, this is also considered to be the first Internet backbone.

The first message was "LO", which was an attempt at "LOGIN" by Charley S. Kline to log into the SLI computer from UCLA. The message was incomplete because the SLI system crashed. It was quickly fixed and he then logged into the computer.